About Brandforsk

Brandforsk strives for a fire safe society built on knowledge. We do this by initiating and financing knowledge development within the field of fire safety and we work to spread this knowledge so it can be useful. We are able to finance this with funds raised from our support organisations who contribute in this way to our vision of a fire safe society built on knowledge.

Brandforsk was established by the Swedish Fire Protection Association (Brandskyddsföreningen) in 2019 after 40 years of operating as an association in which Swedish Fire Protection Association was at the forefront. Brandforsk has always operated independently for the interests of society in order to increase knowledge and minimise the consequences of fires and it continues to do so today.

Brandforsk Employees:

Mattias Delin
Research Director
0733-25 80 25
Francys Eurenius
0705-78 75 16