Master thesis

Master’s and Bachelor’s Research Projects

Brandforsk invites students to do their thesis projects within fire safety. This could be based on your own ideas or suggestions from us. We also have a rich network of researchers both within and  outside of our organisation to offer many interesting project ideas and support during the process.

We will help you with the topic and the framework of your project as well as providing external guidance and access to a network of knowledgable people. Occasionally, a thesis project captures international interest and those involved get the opportunity to be present abroad and we will help you to realise this in such instances.

We also help to spread your results via our communication channels.

We have a very positive view of lateral collaborations between different fileds of knowledge in which thesis students with different skills work together.

Please get in touch if you are interested.

Mattias Delin
Phone: 0733-25 80 25