Welcome to a result seminar on ”ITM Data Exchange: New Frontier of Standardization to Support Reliability Analyses”.
In recent years, there has been interest in using ITM activity data to inform decisions related to system reliability, risk acceptability and ITM frequencies. This data is being captured in thousands of different formats, through hundreds of different approaches, and by thousands of different groups but one key thing has been lacking to date – standardization. This void has restricted the ability to determine sound performance-based inspection frequencies and prevents stakeholders from exchanging and analyzing data that can influence safety and efficiencies. To address this need, the Research Foundation and Netage B.V. have taken a novel approach to standardizing ITM data using concepts of linked data and graph modelling. Instead of requiring everyone to comply with a single data model or format, the developed model enables stakeholder’s data to be accepted “as is” and the output is standardized to enable diverse data to be shared, consolidated, and broadly understood for evidence-based decision making. This webinar will demonstrate a proof-of-concept comprehensive, scalable, and extensible ITM data exchange model that can facilitate data sharing from diverse data sources to support reliability analyses and predictive analytics. Guided by the concepts of fair data principles, this case study will demonstrate how graph-modeling and other cutting-edge techniques are being leveraged to collect and consolidate data to enable further analysis, reporting and sharing of ITM data for the needs of various stakeholder groups.
Speakers: Bart van Leeuwen, Netage B.V. & Victoria Hutchison, Fire Protection Research Foundation