Artificial Intelligence, Sensors and Decision-Making Support

Mikael Johansson, Landskrona Fire and Rescue Service

Lindköping University


Operations management in rescue operations is one of the most important factors in achieving set goals and results in rescue operations which are carried out by the Fire and Rescue Service.

In order for the Fire and Rescue Service to be able to carry out rescue operations in a quick, safe and efficient way, operations management in the Swedish Fire and Rescue Service needs to have the ability to meet all the complexities of our society. 

To lead rescue operations requires the ability to make quick and well-founded decisions.

Aims and Research Questions

The aim of my research is to create better conditions in which to make rescue operation related decisions. Better decisions can be made with help from different types of decision making support. With better decision making support we can make quicker and better decisions on the scene of an accident. I want to investigate the possibilities of using Artificial Intelligence as decision making support. 

Examples of research questions:

  • Is there a need for AI as decision making support?
  • In which area is AI required as decision making support?
  • What does decision making support look like and how can it be used by the Swedish Fire and Rescue Service?

The Research

Literature Study
This study aims to examine what has previously been done in the field of intelligent decision making support for the Fire and Rescue Service.

Is there the need for Artificial Intelligence as decision making support within the Fire and Rescue Service? This survey will answer the question of where decision making support is needed in the Fire and Rescue Service.

Method Development
Development and tests of intelligent decision making support.

About Me

I am employed as a Rescue Operations Leader and Deputy Fire Chief Officer for the Fire and Rescue Service in Landskrona and Svalöv in northwest Skåne.

The role of Rescue Operations Leader entails managing larger rescue operations among other things.

In my day to day work, I am also responsible for overseeing our rescue operation capabilities. This entails the planning and carrying out of rescue operations leader education and training as well as the quality assurance of our rescue operation capabilities.

My free time is devoted to family and training, especially running.

Do you want to know more? Or maybe get involved? Please email me at