Functionalised biochar for fire-retardant & bio-based composites.

Functionalised biochar for fire-retardant & bio-based composites.

Certain application of composites requires it to pose no fire hazard. However, addition of fire-retardants to polymers, although enhances their flame resistance, it is severely detrimental for their mechanical properties. It is critical that a holistic improvement of performance properties is attained meaning betterment of one property should not compromise another. This is the main idea of the project i.e. to create a balance between fire-resistance and mechanical properties in polymeric composites. Hence, the project is aimed at the development of novel bio composite materials that are simultaneously fire retardant and mechanically strong. The proposed project would utilize the value added material of biochar to host an effective fire retardant (FR) molecular component, for the manufacturing of biopolymer-based composites.

Publisher: Luleå University of Technology 321-002 | Year: 2022

Author: Oisik Das Rhoda Afriyie Mensah

Recording from the webinar on the 30th of September 2022