Learning from Bushfires in Australia

Future climate conditions are expected to extend the fire seasons in Sweden and increase the occurrence of severe droughts. This will heighten society’s vulnerability to forest fires, which in turn requires climate adaptation strategies for a variety of stakeholders, e.g. the general public, property owners, municipalities, and landowners. What these climate adaptation strategies entail, how […]

Spontaneous Interventions in Residential Fires

Previous research on the effectiveness of the emergency services has shown that ordinary citizens often play an important role when it comes to detecting crises and alerting or assisting with evacuation. In the event of a residential fire, the time dimension is crucial, and if spontaneous actions by passersby, neighbors, and others in the vicinity […]

Design rules for battery fire safety in dwellings

The introduction of batteries in homes brings new risks of fire and toxic gases. A thorough understanding of these risks through experimental studies and simulations is necessary to develop effective measures and design guidelines. This project aims to establish comprehensive design guidelines for the safer use of battery modules in residential buildings, which in turn […]

Inhibit fire with molecules from nature – application on textiles

Textiles are an indispensable part of human life and are used in many different consumer products such as clothes, blankets, carpets, bedsheets, and upholstery. Since they are combustible, they will contribute to a large fire load in a room. One way to increase fire safety in homes and public buildings is to use flame retardants. […]

Perceived Research Needs for Batteri and Hydrogen Safety – A Nordic Perspective.

Changes in the energy landscape relating both to the ambitions of a green energy transformation as well as increasing global security concerns, have led to increased attention to new energy carriers. These can serve the role of allowing for the electrification of transport and decarbonization of industries as well as to reduce the effects of […]

Biobaserade byggnadsmaterial – en kunskapsöversikt om brandtekniska egenskaper

Inom byggbranschen pågår flera arbeten med att på olika sätt minska klimatpåverkan vid upprättande av nya byggnader såväl som vid ombyggnation, och flera incitament har instiftats för att beakta och påverka koldioxidpåverkan, som t.ex. krav på klimatdeklarationer samt EU-taxonomin. Utöver myndighetskrav har flera aktörer på marknaden ansatt egna, interna, krav där aktörerna förhåller sig till […]

Evaluation of existing refuge areas

Safe refuge areas have been included in the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building andPlanning’s building regulations since 2011 as an evacuation solution for persons with reducedmobility when it is not possible to evacuate to a safe place from a public space. The SwedishWork Environment Authority’s regulations on Workplace Design require temporary evacuationplaces to the […]

Operational experience from sprinkler installations in churches and other culturally and historically valuable buildings

Since the beginning of the 2000s, sprinklers have been installed in a large number of Swedish churches andother culturally and historically valuable buildings. “Sprinkler” here refers to both traditional sprinkler systems and more modern water mist systems. The experiences from the installation of sprinkler systems in nine wooden churches that were carried out between 2004 […]

The Duration of Heating Phase (DHP) concept – Literature summary and Roadmap

The Duration of Heating Phase (DHP) concept is the path forward to include in a pragmatic manner the importance of the cooling phase of structural elements in fire safety engineering. This concept is a complementary measure to the standard fire resistance where elements are classified based on testing according to fire resistance standards. The standard […]

Limiting fire spread in large floor plan compartment with visible timber

The number of tall buildings combining both a visible mass timber structure and large open floor plans is growing rapidly introducing new fire safety challenges. One risk is that of very rapid flame spread in the ceiling, originating from a severe but localized fire, resulting in fires where the majority of large compartments burn simultaneously. […]